DissonanceCalc class

A modular class for calculating dissonance.

With this class, you can modularly use dissonance models and preprocessing algorithms to calculate the dissonance of timbres, intervals, and chords. Dissonance values can be calculated for a single chord or many, as well as for ranges of frequencies that result in dissonance curves and surfaces (collectively refered to in DisMAL as dissonance maps).

Dissonance maps are limited to two- and three-dimensions (one and two frequency dimensions, respectively, plus a dissonance dimension). This is because visual representations of dense, 4+ dimensional data ultimately limit the clarity and usefulness of dissonance maps. More than three overtone distributions can be used to create dissonance maps, but only one or two distributions can have variable frequencies that step over the frequency range. The rest must have fixed fundamental frequencies.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

DissonanceCalc ()
Creates a DissonanceCalc object.
DissonanceCalc (const DissonanceCalc& otherCalc)
Creates a copy of another DissonanceCalc object.
~DissonanceCalc () virtual

Public functions

void setModel (DissonanceModel* newModel)
Sets the dissonance model to use in dissonance calculations.
auto getModelName () const -> String
Returns the name of the model being used in dissonance calculations.
void addPreprocessor (Preprocessor& newPreprocessor)
Adds a Preprocessor object to the end of the preprocessors array.
void setPreprocessorIndex (int currentIndex, int newIndex)
Moves a Preprocessor object within the preprocessors array from one index to another.
auto getPreprocessorNameAtIndex (int index) const -> String
Returns the name of the Preprocessor object at an index within the preprocessors array.
void removePreprocessor (int index)
Removes a Preprocessor object from the preprocessors array.
void clearPreprocessors ()
Clears the preprocessors array.
void addOvertoneDistribution (OvertoneDistribution* newDistribution)
Adds an overtone distribution to be included in dissonance calculations.
void removeOvertoneDistribution (int distributionNum)
Removes an overtone distribution from the array of distributions to be included in dissonance calculations.
void clearOvertoneDistributions ()
Clears the array of overtone distributions to be included in dissonance calculations.
auto numOvertoneDistributions () const -> int noexcept
Returns the number of overtone distributions in the distributions array.
auto getDistributionReference (int index) -> OvertoneDistribution* noexcept
Returns a const reference to an overtone distribution in the distributions array.
void setSumPartialDissonances (bool calculate) noexcept
Enables the calculation of partial dissonance values.
auto summingPartialDissonances () const -> bool noexcept
Returns true if summing the dissonance of each partial.
auto calculateDissonance () const -> float
Calculates the dissonance of a singal overtone distribution or a set of distributions forming a chord.

Protected functions

void setStepSize () virtual noexcept
Calculates the step size of a dissonance map, given a range of frequencies and number of steps.
auto incrementFrequency (float frequency) -> float virtual noexcept
Increments the frequency of an overtone distribution by the step size.
void resizeMap ()
Resizes the array that will hold dissonance values when using calculateRange.

Protected variables

OwnedArray<OvertoneDistribution> distributions
Contains OvertoneDistribution objects to be used in dissonance calculations.
std::unique_ptr<DissonanceModel> model
Pointer to the DissonanceModel object to be used in dissonance calculations.
OwnedArray<Preprocessor> preprocessors
Contains pointers to Preprocessor objects to be applied to overtone distributions before using a dissonance model for dissonance calculations.

Multi-chord calculation functions

These members are used when performing multiple dissonance calculations on sets of predetermined chords.

void addChord ()
Adds a chord to the list of chords to include in dissonance calculations.
void setFreqInChord (int chordIndex, int distributionIndex, float newFreq)
Sets a distribution's frequency for a particular chord.
void setAmpInChord (int chordIndex, int distributionIndex, float newAmp)
Sets a distribution's amplitude for a particular chord.
auto getFreqInChord (int chordIndex, int distributionIndex) const -> float
Returns a distribution's frequency for a particular chord.
auto getAmpInChord (int chordIndex, int distributionIndex) const -> float
Returns a distribution's amplitude for a particular chord.
void removeChord (int chordNum)
Removes a chord from the list of chords to include in dissonance calculations.
void clearChords ()
Removes all chords from the list of chords to be included in multi-chord dissonance calculations.
auto numChords () const -> int noexcept
Returns the number of chords to be included in multi-chord dissonance calculations.
void calculateDissonances ()
Calculates dissonance values for a list of chords.
auto getChordDissonance (int chordNum) const -> float
Returns the dissonance of a chord that was included in the previous multi-chord dissonance calculations.

Dissonance map functions

These members are used when performing range-based calculations to create 2D and 3D dissonance maps.

enum Dimensionality { twoDimensional = 2, threeDimensional = 3 }
Flags to indicate the dimensionality of the dissonance map.
void setNumDimensions (Dimensionality newDimensionality) noexcept
Sets the dimensionality of the dissonance map.
auto getNumDimensions () const -> Dimensionality noexcept
Returns the dimensionality of the dissonance map.
void setRange (float startFreq, float endFreq) virtual noexcept
Sets the range of frequencies to use when calculating dissonance maps.
auto getRange () const -> Range<float> noexcept
Returns the range of frequencies to use when calculating dissonance maps.
void setNumSteps (int newNumSteps) virtual noexcept
Sets the number of data points to calculate in a dissonance map.
auto getNumSteps () const -> int noexcept
Returns the number of data points to calculate in a dissonance map.
void useLogarithmicSteps (bool useLogSteps) noexcept
Sets the type of step used.
auto usingLogarithmicSteps () const -> bool noexcept
Returns true if using logarithmic step sizes.
auto getStepSize () const -> float noexcept
Returns the step size between each data point in a dissonance map.
void set2dVariableDistribution (int distributionIndex) noexcept
Sets the variable-frequency overtone distribution in a 2D dissonance map.
void setXVariableDistribution (int distributionIndex) noexcept
Sets the x-axis non-fixed overtone distribution in a 3D dissonance map.
void setYVariableDistribution (int distributionIndex) noexcept
Sets the y-axis non-fixed overtone distribution in a 3D dissonance map.
auto get2dVariableDistributionIndex () const -> int noexcept
Returns the overtone distribution in a 2D dissonance map that has a non-fixed frequency.
auto getXVariableDistributionIndex () const -> int noexcept
Returns the x-axis overtone distribution in a 3D dissonance map.
auto getYVariableDistributionIndex () const -> int noexcept
Returns the index of the y-axis overtone distribution in a 3D dissonance map.
auto isReadyToProcess () -> bool
Checks if any data needs to be set in order to calculate a dissonance map.
void calculateDissonanceMap () virtual
Calculates dissonance values for a set of overtone distributions across a range of frequency intervals.
auto getDissonanceAtStep (int step) const -> float
Returns the dissonance value stored at the nth step in a 2D dissonance map.
auto getDissonanceAtStep (int xStep, int yStep) const -> float
Returns the dissonance value stored at the (x, y) step in a 3D dissonance map.
auto get2dRawDissonanceData () -> float*
Returns a pointer to the start of the array of dissonances.

Enum documentation

enum DissonanceCalc::Dimensionality

Flags to indicate the dimensionality of the dissonance map.

As dissonance maps are limited to 2D and 3D, the only acceptable values are twoDimensional and threeDimensional.


Function documentation

void DissonanceCalc::addPreprocessor (Preprocessor& newPreprocessor)

Adds a Preprocessor object to the end of the preprocessors array.

If your preprocessors must be arranged in a specific order, you should call setPreprocessorIndex to arrange the preprocessors in the correct order.

void DissonanceCalc::setPreprocessorIndex (int currentIndex, int newIndex)

Moves a Preprocessor object within the preprocessors array from one index to another.

This enables rearranging of the order in which preprocessors are applied to sets of overtone distributions.

void DissonanceCalc::addOvertoneDistribution (OvertoneDistribution* newDistribution)

Adds an overtone distribution to be included in dissonance calculations.

The array can hold multiple copies of the same OvertoneDistribution object, which should be the case when calculating the dissonance of intervals or chords comprised of notes with the same overtone distribution.

void DissonanceCalc::removeOvertoneDistribution (int distributionNum)

Removes an overtone distribution from the array of distributions to be included in dissonance calculations.

If removing from the middle of the distributions array, all following distributions will have their index shifted. Whenever this is called, be sure refresh your GUI or update anything that could attempt to access an incorrect or non-existant distribution.

int DissonanceCalc::numOvertoneDistributions () const noexcept

Returns the number of overtone distributions in the distributions array.

The result could differ from the number of distributions being used in dissonance calculations, due to the possiblity of muted distributions and partials.

void DissonanceCalc::setSumPartialDissonances (bool calculate) noexcept

Enables the calculation of partial dissonance values.

Setting this to true will cause dissonances valued for individual partials to be summed and stored in the partial's dissonance member - Partial::dissonance

The resulting values represent the amount of dissonance that a partial contributes to the overall dissonance of a sound or chord.

Dissonance map and multi-chord calculations will not sum partial dissonances, as the dissonance values would be overwritten with each dissonance calculation. This is to keep processing and memory requirements low, rather than calculating and storing multidimensional arrays of partial dissonance values for each calculation (of which there can be many). Methods that need to retrieve partial dissonance values in these contexts should call calculateDissonance with a specific chord/step to get the desired partial dissonances.

bool DissonanceCalc::summingPartialDissonances () const noexcept

Returns true if summing the dissonance of each partial.

float DissonanceCalc::calculateDissonance () const

Calculates the dissonance of a singal overtone distribution or a set of distributions forming a chord.

This simply calls DissonanceModel::calculateDissonance and returns the output.

void DissonanceCalc::setStepSize () virtual protected noexcept

Calculates the step size of a dissonance map, given a range of frequencies and number of steps.

For linear step sizes, the step size is found with


and logarithmic step sizes are found with


where $n$ is the number of steps.

float DissonanceCalc::incrementFrequency (float frequency) virtual protected noexcept

Increments the frequency of an overtone distribution by the step size.

frequency The frequency to increment.
Returns The incremented frequency.

This is called after each dissonance calculation when creating a dissonance map, to increment the frequency of an overtone distribution. When using logarithmic steps, the frequency is multiplied by the step size. When using linear steps, the step size is added to the frequency.

void DissonanceCalc::addChord ()

Adds a chord to the list of chords to include in dissonance calculations.

This does not set frequency or amplitude values for any distribution objects for the new chord. setFreqInChord and setAmpInChord must be called for all distributions in the new chord before calling calculateDissonances.

void DissonanceCalc::setFreqInChord (int chordIndex, int distributionIndex, float newFreq)

Sets a distribution's frequency for a particular chord.

chordIndex The index of the chord in which a distribution's frequency is being set.
distributionIndex The index of the distribution whose frequency is being set for a chord.
newFreq The frequency value to set for the distribution.

void DissonanceCalc::setAmpInChord (int chordIndex, int distributionIndex, float newAmp)

Sets a distribution's amplitude for a particular chord.

chordIndex The index of the chord in which a distribution's amplitude is being set.
distributionIndex The index of the distribution whose amplitude is being set for a chord.
newAmp The amplitude value to set for the distribution.

void DissonanceCalc::calculateDissonances ()

Calculates dissonance values for a list of chords.

This function calculates dissonance values for a set of overtone distributions with a list of predefined chord structures (ie, sets of frequencies and amplitudes for each overtone distribution), yielding a dissonance value for each interval or chord.

void DissonanceCalc::setNumDimensions (Dimensionality newDimensionality) noexcept

Sets the dimensionality of the dissonance map.

As dissonance maps are currently limited to 2D and 3D, the only acceptable values are twoDimensional and threeDimensional.

Setting the dimensionality with Dimensionality::twoDimensional means that only one distribution will have a variable frequency that steps across the frequency range, creating a vector of dissonance values.

Setting the dimensionality with Dimensionality::threeDimensional means that two distributions will step across the frequency range, creating a 2D matrix of dissonance values.(Although it is a 2D matrix, it represents a 3D dissonance map because there are two frequency dimensions and one dissonance dimension.)

void DissonanceCalc::setRange (float startFreq, float endFreq) virtual noexcept

Sets the range of frequencies to use when calculating dissonance maps.

startFreq The frequency (in Hz) from which variable-frequency overtone distributions will begin to increase in frequency.
endFreq The final frequency at which a dissonance calculation will occur. endFreq should be higher than startFreq.

void DissonanceCalc::setNumSteps (int newNumSteps) virtual noexcept

Sets the number of data points to calculate in a dissonance map.

For creating smooth plots of dissonance maps, this could be set to the number of pixels wide and/or tall of the plot.

void DissonanceCalc::useLogarithmicSteps (bool useLogSteps) noexcept

Sets the type of step used.

Setting this to true will cause dissonance calculations to use logarithmic step sizes that increase in size as frequencies increase. This ensures that the resolution of the dissonance map scales (approximately) with a number of pitch perception observations, including the perception of frequency distance and just noticeable difference.

Setting this to false will cause dissonance calculations to use linear (static) step sizes. It could be useful to provide a greater dissonance resolution for higher frequencies. One particular use is to have greater resolution at areas of interest when choosing a repitition ratio or when tempering.

float DissonanceCalc::getStepSize () const noexcept

Returns the step size between each data point in a dissonance map.

This could return a logarithmic step size or linear step size, each having their own operations. It is advised that this is called in tandem with usingLogarithmicSteps, if operations are to be done using this result. Different implementations are likely needed when switching between logarithmic and linear steps.

void DissonanceCalc::set2dVariableDistribution (int distributionIndex) noexcept

Sets the variable-frequency overtone distribution in a 2D dissonance map.

distributionIndex The index (in the distributions array) of the overtone distribution that will have a non-fixed frequency.

The overtone distribution at the supplied index in the distributions array will have a non-fixed frequency that steps over the frequency range throughout the dissonance calculations.

void DissonanceCalc::setXVariableDistribution (int distributionIndex) noexcept

Sets the x-axis non-fixed overtone distribution in a 3D dissonance map.

distributionIndex The index (in the distributions array) of the overtone distribution with a non-fixed frequency that will be represented by the x-axis as it traverses the frequency range.

void DissonanceCalc::setYVariableDistribution (int distributionIndex) noexcept

Sets the y-axis non-fixed overtone distribution in a 3D dissonance map.

distributionIndex The index (in the distributions array) of the overtone distribution with a non-fixed frequency that will be represented by the y-axis as it traverses the frequency range.